I wish I never allowed myself to gain weight after weight after weight and be at my highest weight ever over 210 pounds.
I wish I did not have so many binges at night in the past.
I wish I maintained the weight loss I achieved in the past and not gain it back plus more.
I wish I had as much dedication as I do now in the past.
I wish I never weighed over 170.
I wish I was already skinny.
I wish I never had bad body image.
I wish my boobs were smaller.
I want to reach my weight goal so bad that it’s killing me mentally and physically. I’m sick of letting myself down by continuing being fat. I have to reach my weight goals for the younger me that had such low self-esteem due to her body; the same younger me that was depressed and miserable in life, that was jealous of her skinny peers because they looked happy and confident and was able to shop and wear clothes that she dreamed of. I need to reach my weight goals so I can finally be happy. I don't ever want to weigh over 150 pounds, and I never ever want to weigh my highest at 215 again in life.
I want to be fully confident, I want to wear the clothes I dream of,
I want a flat stomach, I want toned legs, I want hip bones, I want happiness.